In the pursuit of a sustainable energy future, understanding the environmental impact of our choices is paramount. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) offers this crucial insight. It illuminates the entire journey of a product or process, from inception to disposal. In the realm of energy, it reveals the environmental footprint left by various sources - from extraction to manufacturing. LCA empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions, steering them towards energy sources that power our world with minimal environmental repercussions.
The tale of sustainability takes an equally critical turn with Waste Management. Here, we grapple with the remnants of our energy endeavors - solid waste, gaseous emissions, and liquid effluents. These are the echoes of progress, and they demand our careful attention. Solid waste, like ash from power plants, seeks responsible resting places. Gaseous emissions, such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, require thoughtful strategies to mitigate their environmental impact. Through adept waste management practices, we not only mitigate pollution but also safeguard our natural resources, paving the way for a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape.
Written by Martha Verena & Syukron Subkhi
The opening remarks were given by Ir. Edi Wibowo, M.T. (Director of Bioenergy, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia (Kementerian Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral), Prof. Anthony Halog (RDFact Principal Investigator, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences the University of Queensland Australia), and Dr. Elisabeth Rianawati (RDI Director).On day 1 of capacity building, the participants were allowed to learn about the role of waste management in the circular economy. There were 3 speakers involved which were Prof. Anthony Halog, Dr. Yosef Manik (Head of Environmental Engineering Program at President University), Dr. Didit Okta (Dr. Agr. Didi Okta Pribadi, M.Si - Researcher at Behavioral and Circular Economy Research Center, BRIN), and Aisyah Syafei (Associate Expert Environmental Instructor - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry)