RDI-AuthorAID Workshop on How to Write Competitive Proposal at Widyatama University,
In November 2015, RDI organized two workshops. The first workshop took place from November 21st to 22nd, 2015, with support from the AuthorAID program under INASP. This event brought together universities in Bandung City, Indonesia, including the University of Padjajaran, University of Parahyangan, Indonesia University of Education (UPI), and Widyatama University. Dr. Saut Sagala from the Institute of Technology Bandung collaborated with RDI as the main facilitator, and a guest lecture was given by Dr. Mercy Rampengan from the State University of Manado. The workshop was hosted at the University of Widyatama and aimed to enhance participants' knowledge of writing research grant proposals while fostering networking among attendees. RDI expressed gratitude to INASP and AuthorAID for their support. For more details about this workshop, visit http://www.rdiglobal.org/workshops/proposaltraining2015/.
The second workshop, a collaboration between RDI and the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), was a two-day intensive event focused on resilience studies in Indonesia. Distinguished speakers from Auckland University, University of Gadjah Mada, ITB, Indonesian Institute of Science, RDI, and State University of Manado participated. Attendees from various institutions, including the University of Padjajaran and Indonesia University of Education, enriched the workshop. The workshop featured morning sessions with speaker presentations and afternoon sessions for brainstorming, discussions, and debates. Dr. Herryal Anwar and Dr. Saut Sagala chaired the workshop, addressing critical issues related to community resilience, such as vulnerability studies, capacity building, and spatial planning. Key case studies discussed included the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015, Mt. Merapi volcanic eruption, Jakarta Flood, Semarang City's resilience, and approaches to resilience in metropolitan areas and water-related challenges. More information and workshop materials can be found at http://www.rdiglobal.org/workshops/resilienceworkshop2015/.