Stocktaking Study on Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) Program Implementation in Indonesia
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Project Partner/Client:
Syukron Subkhi
Avianto Amri Ph.D, Dr. Jonathan Lassa, Dr. Nuraini Rahma Hanifa, Alicia Godycki, Maulinna Utaminingsih, Andi Atissa Puti Chaniago, Gissela Nappoe.
The Government of Indonesia has been extensively implementing the Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) program since 2010, in collaboration with various stakeholders, including non-government agencies, private sector, and academia. Indonesia has issued a “Safe School Road Map” 2015-2019, establish the National Secretariat for Safe Schools, issued ministerial regulation and technical guidelines, and delivers a wide range of capacity building initiatives. To support the finalization of the medium strategic plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 and UNICEF strategic planning, a comprehensive study is needed to build evidence for moving forward and designing future strategy that aims to be effective, efficient, sustainable, and deliver the most impact.
And thus RDI was chosen by UNICEF to carry out a Stocktaking Study on Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) Program Implementation in Indonesia. The study uses a multi informant, mixed method sequential approach, primarily focusing on several distinct samples (but not limited to): children (as learners), government personnel (local, sub-national, and national level), academia, and non-government organisations (including NGOs). There are 5 phases in this study: (1) previous documentation related to safe school programs will be collected, documented, and analysed through a desk study using scoping review method; (2) situation assessment regarding efforts toward establishing disaster resilient schools, particularly on people’s awareness, capacity building efforts, and DRR activities in schools; (3) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) will also be conducted at the national level for initial consultation focusing on the three pillars of CSS: safe learning facilities, school disaster management, and risk reduction and resilience education; (4) primary data collection through field work in four areas: Aceh, East Nusa Tenggara, Jakarta, and Central Sulawesi; (5) The final stage will consist of a workshop with staff from humanitarian NGOs, academia, and key government institutions at the national level in the form of a workshop.