Partners for Inclusion: Localising Inclusive Humanitarian Response (PIONEER)
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Project Partner/Client:
Syukron Subkhi
Team Member :
- Ananda Prabu Dian,
- Belia Ega Avila,
- Wilda Mazidaturrizka,
- Medhiansyah Putra Prawira
Participants :
- Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Indonesia and the Philippines,
- Humanitarian Forum Indonesia,
- Advokasi Disabilitas dan Inklusi (AUDISI)
Location : Indonesia
The project proposes a PIONEER model to localise inclusive humanitarian response by building institutional partnerships between local OPDs and local humanitarian organisations. The model aims to improve inclusion, quality and accountability of humanitarian response programme by creating spaces for OPDs and humanitarian organisations to co-design, deliver, monitor and evaluate humanitarian programme. The model builds on the success of “localisation of aid” concept introduced through the Grand Bargain agreement (IASC,n.d.), underpinned by the spirit of participation revolution of people with disabilities and older people through equal partnerships with local humanitarian actors.
Improve inclusion, quality and accountability of humanitarian response programme by creating spaces for OPDs and humanitarian organisations to co-design, deliver, monitor and evaluate humanitarian programme.
Project scope:
- The first is a component of “relationship quality and partnerships” involving development of collaborative partnership between local humanitarian organisations and OPDs. The partnership agreement will take into account equal and reciprocal working relations, inclusive principles and criteria, and transparent and culture-specific monitoring and feedback mechanism.
- The second is a component of “capacity enhancement” that includes a series of work packages (modules) to sensitise and strengthen awareness, knowledge and ability to initiate and manage high-quality, inclusive and accountable humanitarian response. The highlighted feature of this component is capacity-sharing among humanitarian organisations and OPDs, which both have rich technical expertise in their respective work. Further, network between PIONEERs and other local actors within targeted areas will be enhanced to allow shared capacities and encourage broader collaborative practices.
- The third and last component is “meaningful participation” involving a designed field intervention as a “change laboratory” for local humanitarian organisations and OPDs exercise their learnings and meaningfully contribute to influence inclusiveness of existing humanitarian programmes. This participation revolution targets changes at planning and policy level as well as delivery of inclusive humanitarian programmes at field level.
Location: Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi and Malang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia Duration: 12 months