Loss and Damage landscape in ASEAN
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Kharis Aulia, Dekka Dhirgantara Putra, Shafitry Dirgandhiny, Hilman Ardika Wibowo, Rifki Juniar Widianto
Project Partner/Client:
Project Background:
Southeast Asia is acutely vulnerable to the intensifying impacts of climate change. The region is experiencing a growing frequency and severity of climate-related hazards, including sea-level rise, prolonged heat waves, wildfires, biodiversity loss, and crop failures. These climate impacts result in substantial losses and damages, posing significant challenges to ASEAN Member States (AMS).
Recent global developments, particularly the establishment of the Loss and Damage Fund at COP28, underscore the growing recognition of the urgency to address this challenge. To effectively participate in the global discourse and access available resources, ASEAN requires a comprehensive understanding of Loss and Damage within the regional context.
To enhance ASEAN’s capacity to address Loss and Damage, the ASEAN-German Climate Action Programme (CAP) seeks to support the region by:
1. Analysing the current status of Loss and Damage in the ASEAN context. This is to create a common definition, baseline, and status quo to support a robust reference for ASEAN in progressing with the discourse.
2. Establishing topic-driven climate policy dialogue with relevant ASEAN sectoral bodies on Loss and Damage.
3. Holding a series of capacity development initiatives through training, knowledge-sharing, and workshops in building a common understanding of Loss and Damage in relevant ASEAN sectoral bodies on the topics pertaining to Loss and Damage.
By conducting a thorough analysis of the current Loss and Damage landscape in ASEAN, facilitating dialogue among relevant ASEAN bodies, and implementing targeted capacity development initiatives, the CAP aims to position ASEAN as a leading regional actor in the global discourse on Loss and Damage.
Aims and Objectives:
The main objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of Loss and Damage associated with climate change in the Southeast Asia region. RDI will delve into the current state of Loss and Damage, identifying the extent and nature of impacts, as well as existing policies and practices for addressing these challenges. In conjunction with the assessment, a series of capacity development activities will be implemented to enhance the knowledge and capabilities of ASEAN sectoral bodies responsible for Loss and Damage issues. These activities will focus on building a shared understanding of Loss and Damage concepts, methodologies, and best practices.
The study will encompass the following:
1. A comprehensive assessment of the status of Loss and Damage associated with climate change in Southeast Asia.
2. The development and implementation of capacity development activities tailored to the needs of ASEAN sectoral bodies.
Southeast Asia
Key findings:
Climate change, slow-onset hazards, extreme weather event, loss and damage