GIS-Based Documentation and Documentation and Season Analysis of River Waste Management in Jakarta, Indonesia
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Dr. Elisabeth Rianawati
Team Members:
Project Partner/Client:
The existence of two seasons in Indonesia—dry season and rainy season—can affect the quantity and quality of river waste, especially in downstream areas such as DKI Jakarta. The municipal solid waste transported from water bodies in DKI Jakarta to the Bantargebang Integrated Waste Treatment Facility (TPST Bantargebang) amounts to 7,785 tons per month (DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, 2023). This type of waste is estimated to come from settlements along the riverbanks (Sinaulan et al., 2013). The presence of waste in the river and riverbanks will cause adverse impacts on both the environment and human health, especially in the event of river overflow or flooding.
Several efforts have been implemented to manage river waste in Jakarta through the Water Body Waste Management Unit (UPSBA) by the Environment Agency (DLH) and the deployment of waste traps or bar screens at various river points in Jakarta. However, the locations of these waste traps have not been well documented in the Geographic Information System (GIS). In addition to mapping the location of the traps, the identification of the type and amount of waste in the stream and riverbanks is expected to support the mitigation process to be carried out more precisely and easily.
Aims and Objectives
This study aims to achieve a comprehensive understanding of riverine waste dynamics in Jakarta by developing a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based information system, conducting seasonal comparative analysis, and providing insights that can contribute to the improvement of waste management strategies in the region. This study will analyze the waste generation and composition of rivers and riverbanks in the rainy season as well as efforts to document river waste collection points and handling routes through GIS. The results of this study are expected to provide support for cities and stakeholders in dealing with river waste problems in DKI Jakarta by considering seasonal changes and conditions.
Team Members:
Nabila Safitri, Firdha Laila, Arief Budi Darmawan, Arief Rizky Herdiansyah