Gender Sensitive & Inclusion Endline Study and Evaluation Project of Urban Resilience
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Project Partner/Client:
Plan International
- Dr. Ayu Krishna,
- Suryani Amin, M.Si,
- Amesta Kartika M.RUP,
- Rizkita Mardea B.Arts
Location: Indonesia
PLAN International in Indonesia through the Urban Resilience program is a project that targets the action of children and young people, especially women to strengthen the resilience of cities in DKI Jakarta. Implementation of this project has been carried out in urban villages in West Jakarta (Kelurahan Pinangsia, Krendang and Duri Utara) and East Jakarta (Kelurahan Klender) and has been implemented from July 2017 to 2019 funded by DFAT-Australian Aid. The implementation of this project has referred to the city resilience framework including: (1) sustainable life, (2) community empowerment, (3) safe places making and (4) promotion of integration. This project is also a continuation of the youth action project for disaster risk reduction in urban areas that has been implemented by PLAN International in Indonesia since July 2014 – June 2017.
RDI was chosen by PLAN International Indonesia to carry out a Gender Sensitive & Inclusion (GESI) end line study and evaluation of their project, Urban Resilience. The project was aimed at increasing community resilience, particularly among previously excluded groups, such as women, youth, children, and the disabled. The end line study will analyze quantitative and qualitative data to determine the level of resilience its communities have, as well as identifying challenges in social inclusion.