Final Evaluation Child Protection and Early Childhood Education Programming Lessons Learned from Families First and TRANSISI Projects
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Project Partner/Client:
Save the Children
Syukron Subkhi
Researcher :
- Anastasia Lavenia,
- Rickdy Vanduwin
Team Member :
- Dr. Akino Tahir,
- Dr. Indraswari,
- M Adryan Sasongko
Location: Indonesia
Violence against children increased and impacted to multi-dimension on children’s development. Save the Children’s objective is to strengthen the Child Protection System at all level and in all their constituent components, with the goal being to effectively protect children. An effective and high performing child protection system consists of a collection of interlinking components at different levels in society. When properly coordinated, components of a rights-based national child protection system strengthen the protective environment around each child and their family.
ECCD programs ensure that young children fulfil their right to healthy development and education which help them reach their potential. There is mounting evidence from around the world demonstrating that the first years of life are critical in the development of children as they shape cognitive, social and language skills, as well as lifelong approaches to learning.
Many factors contribute to strengthen ECCD program. Improve capacity of ECCD teachers and facilitator on how to deliver active and child cantered learning process, as well as improving the quality of learning environment of ECCD centres. Raise awareness and build capacity of parents and caregivers on play-based education practice and positive parenting. Moreover, strengthen and advocate local government to allocate fund from the central government for ECCD integrated services.
For the past 4 years, Save the Children Indonesia has implemented several projects, namely the Families First (FF) and the TRANSISI project. There are several differences between the 2 aforementioned projects. The Families First project aims to to build the capacity of National/Sub National Government and Community based social services in implementing, mainstreaming and scale up of child protection and care good fit practices, including positive parenting, case management, child safeguarding policy, child friendly juvenile justice and psychosocial support. On the other hand, the TRANSISI project aims to improve child development outcomes and school readiness of girls and boys aged 3-6 in NTB through strengthening the quality of ECCD services. Aside from project aims, designated project locations and beneficiaries targeted by those projects are also different.
The main purpose of this final evaluation is to gather robust evidence that is useful to determine projects success and failures from which SC and stakeholders gain lessons learned and knowledge to inform future program interventions
Scope of Study:
– FAMILIES FIRST: Kupang, Lampung, Malang, Makassar, Jakarta, and National level
– TRANSISI: North Lombok District (Kayangan, Bayan sub-districts) Data Collection: The study used a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods, which included a desk review, focus group discussions (FGD), key informant interview (KII), and questionnaires. These methods were expected to complement each other to explain the findings. Case studies to illustrate impact of the project to individuals were developed using KII to collect the stories.