Baseline Study for Central Sulawesi Earthquake & Tsunami Response
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Project Partner/Client:
Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI)
Syukron Subkhi
Location: Indonesia
Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) declared Central Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami Response as soon after the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction hit Sigi, Palu, Donggala and Parigi District. Relief items such as hygiene kits, food package, and shelter kits as well as children kits distributed to 69,357 affected people in those 4 districts. By the end of February 2019, the response programme will enter the recovery and rehabilitation phase which focus is to build better back, WVI selects livelihood and shelter as the main sectors that will be complement by health and nutrition, education and WASH. Child protection will be the cross-cutting theme.
In setting up benchmark values for program adjustment and also encourage the alignment of each sectors in recovery phase, WVI commissioned RDI to carry out Baseline for Central Sulawesi Earthquake & Tsunami Response (CENTRE) for Palu, Donggala, and Sigi Districts. The objective of this study is to provide initial quantitative data and information based on distributed household questionnaires, which contained indicators related to living conditions, access to basic services, improved access to safe and child-friendly learning environment (protection and education) for children, livelihood, and school/government capacity to decrease vulnerability to disasters and climate change risks plus increase awareness about it.