ASCEND Toolbox Implementation and Evaluation Phase 2
Project Detail
Project Leader:
Team Members:
Project Partner/Client:
AHA Centre
Location :
The ASEAN Standards and Certification for Experts in Disaster Management (ASCEND) project seeks to create a regionally recognised certification scheme for professionals in disaster management to ensure and promote higher standards and quality in managing disasters in the region. ASCEND can also be beneficial in identifying competent disaster management professionals in the region with a strong capacity to manage disasters to reduce the loss of life, respond effectively, recover more quickly, and decrease disaster risks throughout the ASEAN region wherever possible.
Throughout the ASCEND Toolbox Development for Five Professions project – RDI has collaboratively developed the ASCEND Toolbox documents. It is a privilege for RDI to continue with the ASCEND Toolbox training and evaluation for the ASCEND Assessors. The main objective of the next stage is to implement and evaluate the developed ASCEND Toolbox documents with the key activities, including ASCEND trial simulation and pilot assessment activities.