Mochamad Syamsiro
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- Gender: Male
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- College: Universitas Janabadra
- Country: Indonesia
Mochamad Syamsiro is a dean at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta. Mr. Syamsiro received a Ph.D. from the Tokyo, Institute of Technology, Japan in 2015, specifically focusing on energy production from solid waste. Mr. Syamsiro has been working in waste-to-energy research for over ten years, beginning with his master’s degree in biomass waste combustion at UGM in Indonesia. Up until now, Mr. Syamsiro has published 28 international journal papers and proceeding publications in Scopus indexed and has conducted collaborative research with international researchers in the world such as from Japan, China, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Finland, Belgium, and more. He also attended some international training about energy and the environment in China, Laos, Taiwan, etc. Mr. Syamsiro was also active in a practical study on waste-to-energy implementation in Indonesia, in addition to the research.