Biogas Workshop: Lessons Learned from Biogas Development in the Emerging Economies
On March 18th, 2021, RDI organized an online regional biogas workshop under the title "Lessons Learned from Biogas Development in Emerging Economies." This workshop, conducted as part of DiBiCoo activities, was hosted in collaboration with Asosiasi Biogas Indonesia (ABGI) and the Asia Pacific Biogas Association (APBA). Its primary objective was to facilitate a comprehensive discussion about biogas development, encompassing regulatory frameworks, financing schemes, operational and maintenance considerations, and other crucial aspects, drawing from various experiences in emerging economies across the global south.
Six speakers, each possessing diverse and extensive backgrounds in biogas development, delivered presentations during the workshop. The first presenter was Dr.-Ing. M. Abdul Kholiq, MSc, Chairman of ABGI and Director of the Centre for Environmental Technology at the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) in Indonesia. Raymond Cheah, Chief Operating Officer of Green Lagoon Technology in Malaysia, followed as the second presenter. The third presenter was Pruk Anggarangsi, Ph.D., Director of the Energy Research and Development Institute at Chiang Mai University in Thailand. Jorge Hilbert, a biogas expert from the Rural Engineering Institute (INTA) in Argentina, presented next. Finally, Aleksejs Zacepins and Vitalijs Komashilovs, experts from Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LLU), introduced a digital information system known as the DiBiCoo Matchmaking Tool.
The workshop commenced with an opening address by Trois Dilisusendi, representing the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, and Dr. Johannes Anhorn from GIZ. Throughout the workshop, active engagement and enthusiasm were evident among all participants. A recording of the workshop is accessible via the following link on YouTube:
Written by Muhammad Ichsan